When the export selection is completed, both the output format and export settings need to be selected. Depending on the output format, options will be displayed.

 Output format

Like Asset.xlsx (see below) but in txt format. Click here for an example file.
This Excel format contains article data, assets and extended publication links. If the selection is too large to export in this format, an error message will appear in Ongoing Tasks. In that case choose Asset.txt, this format has the same content and there are no restrictions. Click here for an example file.
Proof sheet
PDF document (low resolution), to be used for article data check (for example before a high resolution catalogue will be produced).
After choosing this format, preperations are made to Publish with the chosen selection and settings.
Please note that this export format will be discontinued soon.
Related articles
Like Webshop.xlsx (see below) but in txt format. Click here for an example file.
Webshop.txt (old)
An export in txt format of article group and article information. This is a limited format (contains no documents and related products, for example).
Please note that this export format will be discontinued soon.
This Excel format contains article data, classification data, features, assets and publication links. Click here for an example file (with option Column per unique attribute off, described below).
Note that for speed of export, all columns are set to property Standard (instead of Text).
This has the disadvantage that if the cursor is in the formula bar:

that unwanted leading zeros disappear when leaving the formula bar with a tab or by clicking another cell:
This is unwanted for an article number or GTIN, for example; take this into account when editing the document.
Webshop.xml 2.0
An export in xml format of article and article group data. This format will also export documents and related articles. Find a description of this format here (in Dutch).
Please note that this export format will be discontinued soon.
Webshop.xml 3.0
An export in xml format of article and article group data including related information such as documents and related articles. Find a description of this format here.
This is an outdated format that will remain available to customers still using it.
Webshop.xml 3.0.1
Please note that this export format will be discontinued soon.
Webshop.xml 3.1
This xml format export contains all available article data including related information such as documents and related articles. Find a description of this format here. This description contains a chapter with a detailed description of the modifications in version 3.1 compared to version 3.0
This is the most complete export including the newest functionalities. It is recommended to use this xml version when creating a new linkage.
In addition to the above standard output formats that can be exported by all EZ-base participants, personalized output formats may also appear in this list. After selecting, choose a personalized output format of the desired template (see below).
PLEASE NOTE: whether or not export settings affect the output and how they affect it can differ per personalized output format and template.
Applicable only to output format Proof sheet. Here one can select the template in which the proof sheet will be made up.
Export format
Proof sheet
EZ-base proof sheet
This default template is available to all EZ-base members and generates a low resolution PDF including article data in a default format.
One or multiple own proof sheets
It is possible to have EZ-base create one or multiple templates, in which for example choices can be made concerning page size, logo, font, colors and lay out. In case one of these templates is selected as a proof sheet, a low resolution PDF will be generated in the own format. EZ-base could also produce this template in high resolution, enabling it to be printed.
The PDF's contain marks to indicate where the page is to be trimmed (necessary information for the printing office):
Using the printsettings of a PDF reader, you can omit this marks if desired (choose file, print, option "actual size").
Interested in this additional service? Please contact us.
Personalised export formats
One or multiple own templates
As an additional service, EZ-base can create personalized output formats, where in principle all standard output formats can serve as a basis.
An example of this is a proof in which dozens of settings can be personalised. This makes it possible to compose this proof with, among other things, your own fonts and colours. Using the output format and template below, this personalised proof (pdf-format) can be exported:
With this result (example page from the pdf):
Interested in this additional service? Please contact us.
NOTE: Whether and how export settings affect the output may vary per personalized output format and template.
 New articles only
At the moment this option is not working correctly. Using this is not recommended.
When this option is selected, an additional entry field will appear: “Export articles starting:”. The export will only show the articles that are submitted after this date.
 Own articles only
Checking this box will only include articles in the export that contain an own article number. An own article number can be submitted using ArtLink. An article can occurs more than once in the database (for example added by supplier, manufacturer, purchasing organization or wholesalers). That's why one own article number can be linked to more articles. All of these articles will be exported when this box is checked.
 Including articles in price list
At the moment this option has no function. In a future version this option will be removed.
 Including expired articles
Checking this box include articles in the export that are declared expired by the supplier as well.
 All specifications (not displayed here)
Only possible in combination with the export formats Webshop.xml 3.1.
Specific specifications are very interesting for own publications such as leaflets and catalogues.
 ETIM included (not displayed here)
Only possible in combination with the export format Webshop.xml 3.1.
 Standardized features
The features that the supplier has entered (for example length and color) will always be exported, regardless whether this box is checked. EZ-base standardizes the features that are submitted by the supplier. This increases search options of similar articles from different suppliers. These are called standardized features. Checking this box will include these features in the export.
Only available combined with all versions of format Webshop.xml.
 ID standardized feature equal with all languages (not displayed here)
Only possible in combination with export format Webshop.xml 3.1 and Campaigns.
These export formats contain óne identifying number (ID) for standardized features, that dependable of this option is filled differently:
If this option is turned off (default) the number is unique over all languages. Example: the standardized feature 'length' has a different, unique ID in French that differs from the same feature in Dutch.
If this option is activated, the number of óne standardized feature is equal for all languages (not unique). Example: the standardized feature 'length' has exactly the same ID in French as well as in Dutch.
 Personal instead of standardized features
Personal features are no longer available.
In WebshopXML 2.0, there is no possibility to export both personal and standardized features at the same time.
Therefor, in WebshopXML 2.0, checking this box will export the personalized features instead of standardized features (in <ProductGroupHeadersStandard>).
 Personal combined with standardized features
Personal features are no longer available.
In WebshopXML 2.0, there is no possibility to export both personal and standardized features at the same time.
Therefor, in WebshopXML 2.0, checking this box will first export the own, personal features in the xml here, supplemented with standardized features (in <ProductGroupHeadersStandard>).
This applies to users that have not entered personalized features in all classification levels and therefore wish to also export the standardized features in this xml position.
 Limit features (not displayed here)
Only applicable in combination with one of the following output formats:
Webshop.xml 2.0
When exporting personalized features, standardized features, or a combination hereof, one can determine a maximum amount of features to be exported (in <ProductGroupHeadersStandard>).
In case 'Personal instead of standardized features' is selected, first all available personal features are exported until the given amount. Whenever the maximum amount of features is still not reached, it will be supplemented with standardized features until the maximum. For example: 1 maximum of 10 is entered. An article group is described with 4 personal features. If present, 6 standardized features will be added.
Personal features are no longer available.
Webshop.xml 3.1
This is a template setting: the selection made here will be included in the xml for info. This can guide the software using the xml. For example in case a publication such as a catalogue is produced: the given number of features will be published (if the software is programmed this way at the customer's request). In version 3.1 this option does not influence the number of features included in the xml: the supplied features will always be included, no matter this template setting.
 Standardized features only (not displayed here)
Only applicable in combination with output formats:
If this option:
is off (default), supplier features are exported.
is on, only standardized features are included in the export.
 Column per unique feature (not displayed here)
Only applicable in combination with output formats:
If this option is off (default), features are included in the export contiguously, so multiple features may appear per header column.
Below an example of a Webshop.xlsx when this option is off:
If this option is on, each unique feature gets its own header column (case-sensitive):
Please note that because the database contains many different features, the number of columns rises quickly when using this setting, quickly making the file unmanageable. Therefore, use this setting only for smaller article selections.
 Limit classification levels
Checking this box will include the selected number of levels in the export. Find details in 'Number of classification levels'.
 Number of classification levels
Here, the classification levels can be adjusted per article group. Limitation is done from the highest level, for example: in case the entered amount is '3 levels', the first, top level (least detailed) will not be included in the xml.
Only applicable in case 'Limit classification levels' is selected and only possible in combination with the following output formats:
Webshop.xml 2.0
NB: the <Classification> tag does display all levels of the classification used.
Limitation only affects the <ProductGroupClassification> tag in <Webshop>.
Webshop.xml 3.0
NB: limitation only affects the <Classification> tag in <Webshop>.
In <Classification> in <ArticleGroup> the most detailed level is included, regardless the limitation.
Webshop.xml 3.1
NB: limitation only affects the <Classification> tag in <Webshop>.
In <Classification> in <ArticleGroup> the most detailed level is included, regardless the limitation. Also, limitation does not affect the ETIM classification.
Checking this box will include entered synonyms in the proof sheet.
Only applicable to the following output formats:
Proof sheet
This will include the in the own classification supplied synonyms in the proof sheet.
Webshop.xml 3.1
This is a template setting: the selection made here will be included in the xml for info. This can guide the software using the xml. For example in case a publication such as a catalogue is produced: the given number of features will be published (if the software is programmed this way at the customer's request). This option does not influence the synonyms included in the xml: the supplied features will always be included, no matter this template setting.
 Limit images
Here you can select the maximum number of images to be showed per article group. Find details in 'Number of images'.
Proof sheet
In case multiple images are submitted per article group, this field can influence the number of articles displayed per article group.
This field doesn't effect the EZ-base proof sheet: one image will be displayed. But this option can be programmed in an own proof sheet
Webshop.xml 3.1
This is a template setting: the selection made here will be included in the xml for info. This can guide the software using the xml. For example in case a publication such as a catalogue is produced: the given number of features will be published (if the software is programmed this way at the customer's request). This option does not influence the number of images included in the xml: the supplied features will always be included, no matter this template setting.
 Number of images
Only applicable in case 'Limit images' is selected and in combination with the following output formats:
Proof sheet
In case multiple images are submitted per article group, this field can influence the number of articles displayed per article group.
This field doesn't effect the EZ-base proof sheet: one image will be displayed. But this option can be programmed in an own proof sheet
Webshop.xml 3.1
This is a template setting: the selection made here will be included in the xml for info. This can guide the software using the xml. For example in case a publication such as a catalogue is produced: the given number of features will be published (if the software is programmed this way at the customer's request). This option does not influence the number of images included in the xml: the supplied features will always be included, no matter this template setting.
 Do not mark missing translations
If a different language than the default language, and not all tranlations are present, the field concerned will be marked in brackets in the user’s default language. Checking this box will remove the brackets.
 Export articles starting
In case the option ‘New articles only’ is checked, here you can enter the date from which the articles are included in the proof sheet. Either a date or a period can be entered.
Choose the EZ-base classification or one of the own classifications (if present).
The export will include only the classification that is selected here.
Only if an article is classified in the selected classification it will be included in the export.
All description fields can be maintained in multiple languages. Here, you can choose the language in which the classification, assets, article groups and articles will be exported. In case a field is not translated, the Dutch description will be used in brackets.
What languages can be chosen depends on the permitted data languages of the relation. Please contact EZ-base if an adjustment is required.
Here you can return to the previous screen.
 Export and save
The file is exported with pre-definitioned possibilities. The export set (selection and settings) is saved (except if one has chosen 'quick export').
Exports can subsequently be collected at the 'Tasks' -> ' On-going tasks'.
Read here the main causes why an Extended export can fail.