Export my selection

Export my selection shows a overview of article data that at a previous moment was added from the Article group page or Article detail page to this selection.
Here it is possible for article (group)-s to:
  • export;
  • remove from this selection.
Export my selection can be found at the top of the main menu under 'Export'.
Export my selection


1. Export
With this button, the selected articles can be exported in different export formats, languages and classifications.
Note: A selected article doesn't show up in your export? This might be caused by export settings.
For example:     
  • if there are expired articles selected and the option 'expired articles included' is turned off within the export.
  • if there are articles without a unique 'own' article number in the selection and within the export is chosen to only export own articles.


2. Delete
With this button selected articles can be deleted from My selection.

Select/de-select all article groups and articles

3. Select/de-select all article groups and articles
With this button, all check boxes for the whole table with which articles and article groups can be selected, can be turned on or off at once.
This check box can have the following appearances:
  There has not been selected any article in My selection
  All articles are selected in My selection
3. Select/de-select all article groups and articles A partial selection of the articles is made in My selection

Show/hide all articles with articles groups

4. Show/hide all articles with articles groups
With this button, all articles can be hidden or shown for the whole able at once at all article groups.
The direction of this button will be saved as a user preference when leaving this screen. When this screen is re-opened the preference will be used with the choice to show the article group folded in or out.
Only if there are less than ten articles in My selection, the user preference will be ignored: all article groups will be shown folded out immediately.

Select/de-select all articles within

5.  Select/de-select all articles within
With this button for this article group, all check boxes with which articles are selected can be turned on or off at once.
This check box can have the following appearances:
There has not been selected any article in this article group
All articles are selected in this article group
5.  Select/de-select all articles within A partial selection of the articles is made in this article group

Show/hide articles within this article group

6. Show/hide articles within this article group
With this button for this article group all articles can be shown or hidden at once.

Select/de-select this article

7. Select/de-select this article
With this button the check boxes of all articles within this particular article group can be turned on or off at once.
This check box can have the following appearances:
This article is not selected for import/export
This article has been selected for import/export

Link to article group page

8. Link to article group page
Go to the Article group page of this article group.

Link to article detail page

9. Link to article detail page
Go to the Article detail page of this article