Export ETIM features

In case a file containing the ETIM classes is imported, an export can be generated in EZ-web, including the ETIM group/classes and the related ETIM features.
The export file contains article codes to which an ETIM class is matched. For each ETIM feature a line is created. For this reason, an article number can appear in the file multiple times.
In the export file the values can be added. For non numeric values a selection can be made from the ETIM approved values, such as a text or true/false. For numeric values this is not set. It is also possible to enter a 'range': a minimum and a maximum value.
To subsequently import the completed file, go to 'Import ETIM features'. NB: to do so, the file needs to be closed.
ETIM features can be exported in the Assortment tab -> 'Export ETIM features'.
Export ETIM features


1. Language
Here the language in which the ETIM features will be exported can be selected.


2. Format
The articles will be exported to an Excel file.

ETIM version

3. ETIM version
EZ-catalog supports version 6.0 and up.

ETIM filter

4. ETIM filter
It is possible to import ETIM filters. Using them can determine what ETIM features are of interest to you. Doing so, the supplier could export and subsequently add only these ETIM features.

Article number

5. Article number
This allows a range of article numbers to be exported.
In case no article numbers are entered, these field will not be used in the selection. Whenever the first field is empty and the second field is filled, all article numbers untill and including the article number in the second field will be selected. Whenever the first field is filled and the second field is empty, all article numbers starting with the article number in the first field will be selected.
NB: the article number can also exist of letters, punctuation marks, blank spaces etc. This influences the search result.
For example; when filtering from article number 0 untill and including 1, results will be found that start with a 0 or 1. So article number 0123456 will be selected, as will 1999999 be.

ETIM class code

6. ETIM class code
This allows a range of ETIM class codes to be exported.
The class codes can be entered or selected using the buttons behind the fields. The Select ETIM class screen will be opened.
In case no class codes are entered, these fields will not be used in the selection. Whenever the first field is empty and the second field is filled, all classes untill and including the second field will be selected.
Whenever the first field is filled and the second field is empty, all classes starting with the article number in the first field will be selected.
NB: EZ-catalog supports several ETIM versions but works with the most recent of them itself. That is why here searching will be done with ETIM classes as defined in the highest ETIM version supported by EZ-base.


7. Brands
Here one can search by brand. Using the check box in the top, all brands can be selected or deselected at once.

Add possible values

8. Add possible values
Checking this box will provide a pull down menu in the export including possible values for the ETIM feature concerned.
Filling this pulldown could cause problems in Excel when dealing with large numbers. Therefor, only a limited amount (5000 lines) can be exported whenever this option is selected. If the selection contains over 5000 lines, an error message will appear.
If this option is not selected, unlimited amounts can be exported.


9. Export
Execute the export.


10. Close
This button will close the screen.