Here, both the EZ base classification and the own classifications can be exported. It is also possible to export the synonyms and
metadata of both the EZ base classification and the own classifications.
Export classifications can be found in the Assortment tab -> 'Classifications' -> 'Export classifications'.
Here select the classification you wish to export.
Here select the language in which you wish to export the classification.
 Export type
Here select the type you wish to export.
Classification export
With this export type, only the classification itself will be exported. An example of this export type:
Synonyms and metadata export
With this export type, the classification levels with the corresponding synonyms and metadata will be exported. An example of this export type:
If the EZ-base classification is selected, only the metadata that the relation itself has added to the EZ-base classification as Attribute will be exported. The metadata added by EZ-base to the EZ-base classification is not visible in this export.
 Export button
Clicking this button will start the export.
 Close button
This button will close the screen.