
Processor groups

Processors are the companies actually using/processing the articles while executing their tasks.
In the screen below processor groups can be added and deleted. Available processors  can also be divided into processor groups. Processor groups can be used for authorization.
Processor groups can be found in the Management tab.
Processor groups

Search bar available processors

1. Search bar available processors
In this field search in all available processors.

Search bar selected processors

2. Search bar selected processors
In this field search in all selected processors.

Processor groups

3. Processor groups
The available processor groups. Clicking a processor groups will show the processors in this group on the right, in the  Selected processors. You can modify this by using the arrows.


4. Add
Using this button you can add a new processor group.


5. Delete
Using this button you can delete a processor group (only if it is not is use).

Available processors

6. Available processors
Here you will find all processors that are not selected for this processor group.


7. Arrows
Arrow to the right
First click an available processor. Move it to the selected processors using the arrow to the right. The processor is now part of the processor group.
Arrow to the left
First click a selected processor. Move it to the available processors using the arrow to the left. The processor is no longer part of the processor group.

Selected processors

8. Selected processors
Here you will find all processors in this processor group.