Default authorization profile
Here a standard authorisation profile can be set. The standard authorisation profile will only take effect if the standard authorisation profile is set before confirming. If a standard authorisation profile is set after the articles have been approved, it will not be applied to the articles already approved but only to the new articles. If this is desired, please contact your data contact so that this can still be effectuated.
For more information on authorization click here.
Default authorization profile is found in the 'Management' tab.
 Authorization type
Here you can select the default authorization type for the selected buyer group.
No authorization profile
No default authorization profile is selected. When confirming an unauthorized article group will not be provided with an authorization profile: this artile will remain unauthorized and visible for everyone.
All authorized, except...
When confirming an unauthorized article group everyone will be authorized except the selected buyer group: this article group will not be visible for this buyer group.
None authorized, except...
When confirming an unauthorized article group it will only be authorized for the selected buyer group: this article group will only be visible for this buyer group.
 Selection field
Select the buyer group to which the authorization type applies.