Catalogue selection and proof sheet

For some purposes one may need an article selection that has already been defined outside of EZ-web, for example to generate proof sheets of certain articles. This can be imported as a catalogue selection. Such a selection is defined at article level. By doing so, distinct articles in an article group can be entered or not. To do so, take the following steps:
Fill in the requested data in the catalogue-import file of the articles to be selected and save this on your computer. For additional information about the import format: see point 12 under Advanced export.
Log on to EZ-web and in the top click 'Export'.
In the bottom click 'Import catalogue selection'.
Select the catalogue import file (nr 1) on your computer and click 'Import'.
In 'tasks' you can see whether the file is imported successfully.
Again select 'Export' at the top and subsequently in the pull down menu for 'Saved selections' select the name of your file. NB: this is not the name of the file itself, but the name you have submitted in column A.
Because the selection is imported, all options are already set, so you can click 'Next'.
Please note: The order of the classifications is not adjustable via a catalogue selection, but is adhered to as standard by the selected classification.
The classification structure is already set, so you can click 'Next' here as well.
This selection can be used for different output formats. For example: to generate a proof sheet of the catalogue selection, in export settings select 'Proof sheet' and 'Export'. When this export is ready, you will find your selection in a nice PDF format.
While exporting or generating the PDF it is possible to further navigate on EZ-web. To see the progress, click 'Tasks' at the top and subsequently 'Ongoing tasks'.