By arranging wholesalers in buyer groups, authorizations can be assigned to specific wholesalers, e.g. for article group(s), price lists, publications or promotions.
Buyer groups can be found in the Management tab.
 Management tab
In the ‘Management’ tab one can manage the different elements of their organization.
 Buyer groups button
Here you can edit, delete or add buyer groups to your organization.
 Search bar all
Enter a name to search for a buyer across all available buyers.
 Search bar group
Enter a name to search for a buyer across the added buyers in this buyer group.
 Overview buyer groups
Overview of all buyer groups made.
The first column contains the name of the buyer group, which you entered yourself under point 10 (for both normal and global buyer groups).
The second column is only filled in case of global buyer groups. It contains the name of the global buyers group, determined by EZ-base.
 Available buyers
Overview of the available buyers which could be added to a buyer group.
 Buyers in buyer group
Overview of the current biuers in the selected buyer group.
This button adds the selected buyer to the buyer group.
NOTE: This button only works for normal buyer groups, see point 10.
This button removes the selected buyer from the buyer group.
NOTE: This button only works for normal buyer groups, see point 10.
 Add buyer group
This button allows you to add a new buyer group to your organization.
You can add your own buyer group and decide which buyers will be in this group:
It is also possible to choose a global buyer group that is managed by EZ-base:
In Name buyer group you can give your own description to this global buyer group.
 Delete buyer group
This button allows you to remove the entire selected buyer group.