Assetcategory explanation

There are several Asset categories in use. Below you find an explanation per category in alphabetical order.
Image belonging to the concerning article. Can be uploaded in several file types. Idealy the image only shows the article and has a transparent background.
Image 360°
Image where the object can be viewed from all sides (360°).
Image matrix
Image that shows certain data as image, like for instance a size-table.
Image atmosphere
Image with a atmosphere imporession of the object.
Image drawing
Image of a drawing of the article.
Image hazard label
Image consisting of the hazard label belonging to the article.
Image processing
Image with product in use, for instance a drill that is drilling.
Poster that usually is hung or stuck with a (commercial) message about the product.
Specification text
Technical description of the article.
Multi page work containing information about one or more products of usually the same company.
C2C certificate
Cradle to Cradle certificate. International certificate for durable products, safe for human and environment, made of materials that can be recycled or composted.
CAD drawing (DWG)
Two dimensional computer drawn image. A DWG format stands for "drawing".
CAD drawing (DXF)
Two dimensional drawing computer made. A DXF format stands for "drawing interchange format".
Multi page work containing information about one or more products of usually the same company.
Products with CE-marking meet the current regulations within the European Economical Space. The manufacturer has to apply a CE-marking. If the product is manufactured outside the EU and the trader/importer trades the product under it's own name, the importer is responsible for the CE-marking. The CE-marking is mandatory for almost all construction products. The CE-marking has to be offered in the language of the country the product is sold in.
CoC certificate
Certificate of Conformity. A document, certified by an official authority that states that the concerning goods meet the stated specifications. Also known as Certificate of Conformance or Certificate of Compliance.
Document of Conformity, document for devices which states that the device meets the European guidelines. The manufacturer or importer in the EU is responsible for drafting the document.
Declaration of Performance. In many cases it is mandatory to supply a DoP with a CE-marked product. This DoP is drafted by the manufacturer. It gives information about the most important performances of the product and the intended use of it.
DUBOkeur proofs that a product, resource, installation or accomodation is the most environmentally sound choice.
European Technical Assessment. When products are not (entirely) covered by a European harmonised standard, manufacturers can voluntarily choose for a CE-marking through an ETA. This concerns a European technical assessment.
Environmental Product Declaration. Environmental quality label. States in what amount a product impacts the environment.
Extensive description about the use operation of a product.
Application icon
Image that visually represents the suitability/application for/of the product. From this icon you can quickly see what a product is suitable for or what application it is suitable for. As with a spiral drill, 'Application icon' represents that it is excellent for steel, or a supplier selling paint can provide an icon here for which material or area a particular paint is ideally suited.
Small image at which a file/product/programm is recognized.
Icon hazard
Image with a hazardous sign.
Icon industry
Image of a certain industry.
Icon instructions
Image with an instruction (for example a laundry instruction).
Icon processing
Icon of certain way of processing the product.
Feature sheet
Sheet with only the different features of a product.
KOMO is a collective quality label that is used in Dutch construction, as well as in civil engineering as utility engineering. This concerns a set quality for construction and infrastructure.
Logo/figurative mark of a company or brand.
Installation instructions
Extensive description about the mounting, installation of a product.
CSR certificate
Corporate Social Responsibility certificate. Different certificates are distributed, according to the CSR prestation ladder. This ladder contains 5 steps. Each step has a certificate. Companies meeting the standard are allowed to carry the CSR logo.
Components drawing
Drawing with the different components of the product.
Product information sheet
A product information sheet gives the total overview of a line of products. Here you find all the information about the concerning products/articles. Often processing advise is also given, for example the way of processing a certain kind of paint. SDS stands for Safety Data Sheet.
Product selector
Meant for add-ons to get to the correct product. For example a color chart, glue indicator etc.
Technical drawing
Drawing of a product or a part of the product with technical aspects like measurements, materials etc.
Linkt a certain location on the internet. This can be a web address but also the location where a file is located.
Material Safety Data Sheet
A structured document with information about the risks of a dangerous substance or mixture and recommendations about the safe use of them at work.
Video generic
General video about company or product.
Video commercial
Commercial video about company or product.
Video instruction
Instruction video about the use of a product.
Catalogue of one or more products that can only be viewed online.
Web site
Link to the web site of the supplier of the product.