
In Management one can search in article groups. Article groups can alse be viewed, added, modified, supplemented or formalized.

Assortment tab

1. Assortment tab
In the ‘Assortment’ tab one can submit, process, classify and edit article data, and publish it in EZ-catalog.

Management button

2. Management button
Using this application existing data can be modified, edited, completed and formalized, or new article data can be added manually.

Search bar

3. Search bar
Here enter the article group to search.

Add article group

4. Add article group
Add a new article group with new articles.

Show inactive article groups

5. Show inactive article groups
In case this box is checked, all inactive article groups will be displayed as well. Inactive article groups will be displayed in orange.

Assortment overview

6. Assortment overview
After clicking the ‘Management’ button all article (group)s within the data set will open.
To edit article data you can go to the article group by double clicking the article line concerned.